(set #WhatInstallPromptMsg "What do you want to install?")
(set #WhatInstallHelpMsg "Choose what you want to install:\n\no Libraries - all the libraries needed by RxSocket to work\n\no Utilities - some little utilities, such as rxs, needed to call macros from inetd\n\no Documentation - RxSocket documentation in AMigaGuide format\n\no Examples - RxSocket ARexx macros")
(set #AskLibsDirPromptMsg "Select the drawer where you want to install RxSocket libraries")
(set #AskLibsDirHelpMsg "In the drawer you supply here, there will be installed rxsocket.library rxlibnet.library and rmh.library. This drawer MUST BE in your LIBS: assignment")
(set #AskUtilitisDirPromptMsg "Select the drawer where you want to install some RxSocket little utilities.")
(set #AskUtilitiesDirHelpMsg "In the drawer you supply here, there will be installed some little utilities such as rxs, needed to launch macro from inetd and rxhelp, needed to obtain RxSocket functions inline help. The best drawer to place them is C: ; anyway, it should be in your PATH")
(set #AskGuideDirPromptMsg "Select the drawer where you want to install RxSocket documentation")
(set #AskGuideDirHelpMsg "In the drawer you supply here, there will be installed the RxSocket documentation in AmigaGuide format")
(set #AskExamplesDirPromptMsg "Select the drawer where you want to install RxSocket examples macro")
(set #AskExamplesDirHelpMsg "In the drawer you supply here, there will be installed some RxSocket examples ARexx macros")
(set #CopyingLibsMsg "Copying or Updating libraries")
(set #CopyingUtilitiesMsg "Copying or Updating utilities")